Archive for November, 2011

Five Natural Cold Remedies That Work

Colds are the most common type of infection in the world, with the average adult contracting about three cold infections every year. Yet despite the common cold’s ubiquity, we still have no cure for it. The only surefire way to deal with it is to wait approximately seven to ten days for your body to fend off the infection on its own. However, although science has yet to come up with a solution to the common cold, there are numerous remedies both old and new that can greatly help ease the symptoms of cold, even if they cannot cure it.

For anyone interested in natural remedies to ease cold symptoms and make the infection go away faster, here are five remedies that are worth trying.

1. Herbal teas: Any time you have a sore throat or a cough, it is always a good idea to drink hot beverages. And if you are already going to be drinking something hot, you might as well have one of many varieties of herbal tea that are thought to have cold-fighting properties. Echinacea tea is perhaps the best herb for boosting the immune system and speeding along the cold-fighting process, but other herbs such as ginseng, golden seal, eucalyptus, and ginger can have noticeable effects as well. Just stay away from teas with too much caffeine, as these can cause dehydration, which is bad when you have a cold.

2. Fruit and fruit juice: Your immune system needs plenty of vitamins to fight off the infection, and fruits are the best natural source of the types of vitamins the immune system thrives on. Try to eat plenty of citrus fruits, especially oranges, but remember that practically every fruit contains valuable vitamins. And because it is always good to drink plenty of fluids when you have a cold, fruit juices are helpful as well. Just stay away from juices that contain high-fructose corn syrup and other unnatural elements. Go organic, whenever possible.

3. Light soups: There are good reasons why grandmothers the world over swear by chicken soup as the perfect remedy for the common cold. A good bowl of soup has many vitamins that can help boost your immune system, and the warm broth of the soup helps ease inflammation in the bronchial tubes and can even help fight congestion. Chicken soup works well, but any light, healthy soup can work wonders. Add plenty of pepper to give the soup an extra kick for clearing your nasal passages.

4. Spicy foods: Speaking of spices, spicy foods in general can provide worlds of relief when you are in the throes of a nasty cold. Any food with chili peppers, garlic, or ginger can help clear your nasal passages while also inhibiting the substances that cause inflammation in your body. And eating spicy foods is not just a folk remedy; numerous scientific studies have shown that it works.

5. Steam and humidity: The viruses that cause the common cold thrive on dry air, so you can use moisture to fight back in numerous ways. Use a humidifier in the room where you sleep to add a little moisture to the air. Take extra long, very hot showers and breathe deeply throughout. You can even simply hold your head above a steaming pot of water. Use these methods a few times a day, and your cold symptoms will be lessened.

Top Natural Remedies For Hair Loss

Why should you be interested in natural remedies for your hair loss versus more artificial and chemically-based solutions? The use of pharmaceuticals can have adverse effects on your health when used for loss of hair, and you will not hear this from television ads and you will never see this on the product’s description.

Prescription drugs must be processed in the liver before they can take full effect and when this happens, it can add to stress and complications with your health depending on the medication that you are taking.

These medications can also impact your sex life because they affect your hormones. Therefore it is advised that you try some natural remedies instead of exposing yourself to the chemicals that are found in drugs. Not only are natural remedies better for your health, they are also much more affordable than drugs sold over the counter or the ones prescribed by doctors.

Therefore, if you want to know how to treat hair loss the natural way, here are some tips that are wonderful home remedies, for both male and female hair loss treatment.

The very first thing that you will need to do is have a healthy diet:

Ensure that your diet consists of nutritious foods. If you live on a balanced diet, you will get the required minerals and vitamins and other essential nutrients that are needed for enhanced hair health. Your hair and scalp need proper nutrients just like the other areas of the body like the brain and the liver do in order for them to function properly. If you lack the proper nutrients in your diet, you will realize that your hair has lost its lustre and that it has gotten thin and will eventually begin to fall out.
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Start drinking tea:

Drink at least one cup of nettle tea per day because nettle contains vital ingredients that will convert testosterone into DHT.

Increased Testosterone is the major cause of hair loss in most men and unfortunately, it is also a problem for women as well. This is especially crucial for women as they enter menopause and their estrogen level is not as high as it use to be.

Nettle tea is something that is very affordable and you will be able to find it in almost every health supermarket and store. Herbal tea also comes highly recommended as one of the many natural remedies for hair loss because it is able to increase your circulation and even relieve stress that is a very common cause of hair loss.

Try saw palmetto:

This is a very good herb that will help to fight against hair loss and eventual baldness. This herb contains dihydrotestosterone or DHT for short, which fights against the major cause of hair loss, increased testosterone in women and men. Saw palmetto will fight against any balding effects that you are faced with.

Another age old remedy for fighting against hair loss is to have your scalp massaged:

When your scalp is massaged on a regular basis, circulation to your head will be increased and when blood flow is increased in the scalp, this will help with your hair growth. Rogaine is a product that you can use, which will also increase circulation but the same effect that you get from Rogaine can be achieved when you massage your scalp or have someone massage it for you.

There are quite a number of natural remedies for hair loss that you can use to increase hair growth, however, the most important and fundamental is to try and eliminate stress from your life and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Fibromyalgia – Treating the Symptoms Naturally

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia’s primary symptom is the presence of chronic, dull muscular pain in the muscles, usually above the waist though it can occur anywhere in the body. In addition, these painful areas are sensitive to touch, where even slight pressure can trigger acute pain.

A number of symptoms often go along with fibromyalgia, the most notable being fatigue. In addition, someone with fibromyalgia may suffer from anxiety, depression, headaches, TMJ, memory issues and irritable bowel syndrome.

The cause of fibromyalgia is so far unknown.

Some suspect there may be an autoimmune factor involved, though no evidence has shown this yet. There is a correlation with hormonal and neurotransmitter changes in the body, and it is suspected that people with fibromyalgia have an increase in the neurotransmitters that signal pain in the body, leaving a person hypersensitive to pain.

While fibromyalgia often comes on without any specific reason, it can be triggered by physical trauma, infection, or psychological stress. There is reason to suspect that underlying factors may be involved in fibromyalgia, including long term buildup of stress or tension, fatigue, or unaddressed mental/emotional issues.

Treating Fibromyalgia

The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, which makes it a difficult condition to successfully treat. Conventional medicine focuses on treating the symptoms with pain relievers, anti-depressants, or anti-seizure medications, which can help improve some of the symptoms but rarely offer full recovery from the condition.

Because of this, it is important to take an active role in successfully dealing with fibromyalgia. Basic things you can do independently to decrease symptoms include:

Exercise and stretching: Both of these activities may make the pain worse at first, but over time, strengthening and stretching the affected muscles can help relieve tension and decrease their sensitivity to pain. It is important to start slowly, and not push your muscles too far, as pain from any sort of muscular damage will compound the pain.

Sleep: People with fibromyalgia may have a difficult time getting restful sleep, and find that even though they are sleeping a lot, they may not feel rested in the morning. Still, it is important to get enough sleep as this is the body’s chance to replenish its energy and is a natural part of the recovery process.

Maintain a healthy weight: There is a correlation between worsening symptoms of fibromyalgia and being overweight. Eating a healthy diet, and avoiding eating triggered by stress or depression can help improve the overall health of your body and reduce pain.

Stress is also a well-known factor that is correlated with fibromyalgia. People with the condition will often find that their pain and other symptoms worsen during times of increased stress, and improve when life is going more smoothly.

For this reason, dealing with stress on a day-to-day basis can be a great way to help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia. While it isn’t possible to completely get rid of stress, you can do some simple things to make it easier to relax throughout the day. Taking breaks from stressful situations like work or home responsibilities, going for a walk, taking some time for yourself, remembering to breathe, doing something you enjoy – these or anything else you come up with to relax and reduce stress will go a long way in improving fibromyalgia if done on a regular basis. It is easy for stress to compound itself if left unchecked – this is something to avoid.

Potential Mind-Body Connection in Fibromyalgia

It is possible that at least in part, the cause of fibromyalgia is related to suppressed anger. It is already well known that unexpressed anger can lead to ongoing anxiety and depression, which are common symptoms that accompany fibromyalgia. Stress and tension are also symptoms related to frustration, and can consume a ton of energy which will increase fatigue. In addition, the difficulties in concentration, TMJ and digestive issues that are associated with fibromyalgia can also be related to suppressed anger.

Consider that fibromyalgia often comes on after traumatic physical or psychological experiences – this type of experience naturally will produce a feeling of anger, as in the question, “Why did this happen to me?” But there is a tendency to want to forget painful experiences, and mentally suppress the feelings associated with that experience, whether the experience is a one-time thing or an accumulation of difficult experiences in life.

In addition, fibromyalgia affects women more than men. That is not to say that women are naturally more predisposed to suppress anger than men, however society definitely does place more pressure not to be angry on women, than it does on men.

The symptom of pain may be representing the unexpressed anger being internalized and taken out on the physical body. If you are suffering from fibromyalgia and suspect this may relate to you, it is important to address the source of your anger so that it can be expressed and directed appropriately, rather than back toward yourself. Even deep-seated difficult or traumatic experiences can be moved on from, and are not meant to be your responsibility or a burden for you to carry throughout your life.

Natural Medicines and Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Adaptogens: These herbal medicines help strengthen the adrenal glands which are involved in improving energy, can improve certain neurotransmitter levels involved in mood, and can help reduce excess stress hormones like cortisol which can disrupt a number of the body’s physical processes. Examples of these kinds of medicines are ginseng, eleutherococcus, holy basil, rhodiola, cordyceps, and ashwaghanda.

Massage: A massage tailored to your personal tolerance level can help reduce muscular tension and alleviate pain.

Acupuncture: Some people report a benefit from acupuncture, a Chinese medicinal practice involved in placing small needles along specific meridians, aimed at releasing blocked energy, improving circulation and other physical processes. While this type of treatment may not work for everyone, it is worth considering.

Fibromyalgia can be a very frustrating condition to deal with, but taking an active role in doing daily things for your health can help improve the symptoms over time. Addressing stress and other potential mental or emotional components that may be associated with the condition, as well as incorporating natural medicines or treatments can also be of help. With patience and consistency, it is possible to fully recover from fibromyalgia over time.

All-Natural Hair Care Recipes For Strong Beautiful Hair

There are so many hair care products available at your store or online, in every conceivable price range and for every type of hair. We are bombarded by commercials every day, and most of those products are very good, and many of them boast of the natural ingredients they contain.

Did you know that you can make many all-natural hair care products right in your own kitchen with just a few ingredients that are widely available. Well you can. Here are several hair care recipes that are easy and economical to make, and it’s kind of cool to go green and look great at the same time!

Hair Spray for Fine Hair


  • 1 chopped up lemon or orange
  • 1 ½ cups of water
  • 1 oz. bay rum (this preserves the mixture)

On the stove, in a double boiler, boil chopped lemon and water. Simmer, add bay rum and reduce the liquid by about half, then strain through a cheesecloth and pour into a spritz bottle. Add extra water to thin if you wish.

This is great for fine hair and gentle enough for children’s hair. Make it fresh and store in fridge.

Treatment for Chlorine Damaged


  • Egg
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 of a peeled cucumber

Blend the egg, olive oil and cucumber into a spread and apply mixture thoroughly into your hair. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse.

If you swim year round repeat applications monthly.

Rinse for Shiny glossy hair


  • 1 oz. wine vinegar
  • 6 oz. bottled water
  • 10 to 12 drops of essential oils (jasmine, lavender, rosemary)

Pour mixture over hair after shampooing and rinsing and massage into your scalp. Rinse with clean water (cool if possible). Repeat three times a week as needed to restore luster to dry hair.

The vinegar helps restore the natural pH balance of your scalp to combat dry, dull hair.

Frizz Taming Conditioner


  • 4 tablespoons of plain yogurt
  • 1 egg

Mix egg and yogurt into a bowl and massage into your head after shampooing. Work it from root to tips and make sure you have everything coated. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse out with lots of cool (if possible) water.

This works well preventing fly-away and frizzy hair and softens dry hair.

Rejuvenating Hair Brush Treatment


  • 1 oz. oil of Rosemary
  • 1/8 oz. oil of Lavender

Just mix the two oils together and store in a small dark vial or bottle. Before brushing your hair, put a few drops on your palm and rub your clean hairbrush into it. Brush your hair 100 times (no it’s not just an old wives tale) standing both upright and hanging your head upside down. After each brush follow through with your other hand, this will help eliminate static electricity.

This mixture should last about 6 months and is guaranteed to give you healthy, shiny hair.

Dry Hair Moisturizing Shampoo


  • ½ cup of Liquid Castile soap (or baby shampoo)
  • ½ cup of mashed avocado

Blend this mixture on medium until smooth, then apply to thoroughly wet hair as you would any other shampoo. Massage into the scalp and work to the ends of the hair. Add a little more water and work into a lather and rinse as usual.

The avocado in this treatment helps to deliver to your hair, which you need to strengthen and moisturize. You can shampoo as often as you like with this mild shampoo mixture.

Natural Remedies for People With Allergies

Although it is not always possible to avoid taking medication to control your allergies, you can sometimes alleviate the symptoms by using natural remedies. Here are a few natural remedies that may help you to lessen the severity of your allergy attacks.

Visit a Chiropractor
Regular visits to a chiropractor will help to keep you healthy and lessen the symptoms caused by your allergy. This is because the chiropractor will work on your nervous system. A healthy nervous system ensures your immune system is working at its best level. The stronger your immune system is the less chance you have of having a severe allergy attack. Regular visits to your chiropractor will help you to have a better quality of life.

Take Vitamins B5 and E
Vitamins can help you remain fit and lessen your chances of having an allergic reaction. Take vitamin B5 daily once you begin to feel the beginning of allergy symptoms. You can also try a course of vitamin E for four to six weeks during the months of the year when you are more susceptible to an allergy attack.. Have a Healthy Drink before Breakfast To help your intestinal track and your nasal passages, try five drops of castor oil that have been added to a glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice. Take this mixture once a day, before breakfast. The best vegetables to use in this mixture are one part beetroot juice to one part cucumber juice and three parts carrot juice. An alternative is to squeeze half of a lime into a glass of lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of honey. These drinks will help flush toxins out of your system.

Remedies that will help you cope with Hay Fever. If you suffer from hay fever, try drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice three times a day.

A steam treatment may alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. Put a teabag (chamomile tea is very good for people who suffer from hay fever) into a bowl of boiling water. Lean over the bowl, placing your face as close to the rim of the bowl as you comfortably can. Place a bath towel over your head, so you can breathe in the steam.

Keep your Home as Dust Free as Possible
If you suffer from dust or dust mite allergies keep your home as free from dust as you can. Choose tiled or wooden floors in preference to carpets and roller blinds in preference to curtains or Venetian-style blinds. Air your bedding regularly. Use cotton blankets instead of wool blankets because cotton blankets are easy to launder, so they do not harbour as much dust as wool blankets.

Meditation and Yoga can help the Allergy Sufferer
If your allergy is stress related, try using meditation techniques or yoga to help control the severity of your allergy attacks. Deep breathing exercises or yoga poses such as “shoulder stand pose” may help ease an allergy attack.

Depending on the type of allergy you suffer from, and the severity of your attacks, natural remedies may help you to lead a more comfortable life. Natural remedies will do no harm and it is certainly worth giving these remedies a try.